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As a young college student living in a studio apartment I spent time organizing and rearranging the space and I noticed how different you can make one room look and feel. For someone who loves color, living in apartment buildings with white walls for years really made me crave color. Ever since then I have always painted my homes the minute I move in and I’m not afraid to make a statement with color. The joy of a well designed interior, catered to the owners is what I hope to achieve with my clients. I truly believe that you can change your life by changing your surroundings and it’s best to start with the place you spend most of your time…your home!

I bring many years of project management and am passionate about helping people create a beautiful space they can be proud of. Collaboration is key and it is important to create great working relationships. Some of the design services that I provide are remodeling, interior and exterior color consultations, e-design consultation, bath design, lighting selections and plans, sourcing furniture and accessories, furniture plan layouts, window treatments and really anything to do with your home, even service to snowbirds who need someone to watch over their homes, troubleshoot any issues that arise and manage projects while homeowner is out of town or at work.


Associates (AAS), Interior Design
Century College

Bachelor of Science (BS), Graphic Design
Art Institute of Colorado

Technical Skills

Hand Drawn Plans
Adobe Creative Suite
Google Suite
Office 365

Volunteer Positions

Architectural Supervisory Committee (ASC) Member, North Oaks Home Owners Association (NOHOA)

Clubs and Awards

Phi Beta Kappa Society